Gap Analysis, Migration Planning, and Creating the EA Roadmap

Why is performing a gap analysis so important? There are numerous reasons why a gap analysis is needed prior to EA program roll out. Ask yourself why you need to implement an EA program, what improvements need to be made and how you will complete those improvements. Well there are tools that will help to answer those questions and one of them is a gap analysis. What better way to answer those questions than to simply look at what you have (actual performance) and where you want to be in your optimized future state?
Image result for gap analysis
Fig. 1-

A huge step in introducing an EA program into any organization is a gap analysis. Where are the deficiencies that need to be addressed within the EA program/plan? Performing the gap analysis is something that will assist with alignment of systems for both function and utilization. When performing analysis you want to get something from the work that you put in. In this instance you end up with a road map that will show you cultural, functional and structural gaps. The road map is a tool that will help guide the EA team from current to future state. Your recommendations come from this process. Once identified, you can prioritize the recommendations and move forward in the EA implementation process.


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